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Ražotāja rezerves daļas nr. # 7028
Paredzēts šādiem Traxxas modeļiem:
1/16 E-Revo® VXL
1/16 E-Revo®
1/16 Slash 4WD
1/16 Summit™
Factory Five ’33 Hot Rod Coupe
Factory Five ’35 Hot Rod Truck
TRX-4® Equipped with Traxx®
TRX-4® Traxx® All-Terrain Track Set
1/16 E-Revo®
1/16 Slash 4WD
1/16 Summit™
Factory Five ’33 Hot Rod Coupe
Factory Five ’35 Hot Rod Truck
TRX-4® Equipped with Traxx®
TRX-4® Traxx® All-Terrain Track Set